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Publications (peer reviewed)

  • Terada et al. (2024) in preparation.

5) Terada T., Morisaka T., Yagi G., Kanda I., Ogawa K., Yoshioka M. (2024). Bimodal distribution of inter-individual distance in free-ranging narrow-ridged finless porpoises. Behavioural Processes, in press.

4) Terada T., Shimoda M. (co-first), Waku D. & Ogawa H. (2024). Formation of the pecking order during small-scale floor feeding in helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris). The Journal of Poultry Science, 61: 2024020.


3) Terada T., Morisaka T. & Ogawa K. (2024). Communication sounds of wild narrow-ridged finless porpoises (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis) in Ise Bay, Japan. Mammal Study, 49: 1-7.


2) Terada T., Morisaka T., Wakabayashi I. & Yoshioka M. (2022). Communication sounds produced by captive narrow-ridged finless porpoises (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis). Journal of Ethology, 40: 245-256.

1) ​Terada T., Waku D., Koizumi K., Shinmura Y., Yasuoka A., Kudo K. & Ogawa H. (2021). Call classification of the Japanese giant flying squirrel (Petaurista leucogenys) using principal component analysis. Journal of Agriculture Science, Tokyo University Agriculture, 66:11-17.

Publications (non-peer reviewed)

1) 高木俊人,寺田知功,塚田秋葉,向井亜美,村山夏紀,勝島日向子,古巻史穂,遠藤優.(2023). 第10回哺乳類研究交流会の開催記録:アフターコロナにおける学生や若手研究者の研究交流のありかた.哺乳類科学.


1) Terada T., Morisaka T., Wakabayashi I., & Yoshioka M. (2019) Sound communication in narrow-ridged finless porpoises (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis). Proceedings of the 26th Tri-U International Joint Seminar and Symposium, China (pp. 52-55). (peer reviewed).


© Tomoyoshi TERADA. All right reserved.

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